Mattias Desmet is recognized as the world’s leading expert on the theory of mass formation and is the author of Psychology of Totalitarianism. He is also a professor of clinical psychology in the Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences at Ghent University (Belgium) and a practicing psychoanalytic psychotherapist. In this exclusive Plandemic 3 interview, filmmaker Mikki Willis explores this topic more in-depth to discover alarming parallels in the Covid-19 narrative and the totalitarian playbook, as well as time testedRead More

Mask up!


Science, Pseudoscience, and The Germ Theory of Disease – Dr. Jordan Grant (2022 Conference)

  Medicamentus Authentica | 30 June 2022         Dr. Jordan Grant’s unique humor and intellect fuses a potent message, teasing the “germ theory” of disease and poking holes in the paradigm of pseudo-science. After experiencing sickness in his own family, Jordan awakened to huge realizations in research which he consolidated into an organized presentation, leading listeners on an exploration of what “science” really means, breaking down fallacies and dogmas surrounding contagion and infection.      

The End Of Germ Theory

      00:01:21 Dr Rosenau / US Public Health Service failed Spanish Flu contagion experiments 00:08:14 Goat Island / US Public Health Service failed Spanish Flu contagion experiments 00:10:32 Johns Hopkins / Dr Sellard failed Measles contagion experiment…   Source: Spacebusters     Spacebusters channel’s new video covers a plethora of topics relating to the virus theory, from Spanish Flu Goat Island experiments to Chicken Pox, Vaccines, Polio, Virology, COVID, PCR, Measles, RNA and Antibodies. Learn about theRead More

Dr Robert Malone: MSM Is An Arm Of Propaganda For The Pharmaceutical Companies

  Bannons War Room | 1 July 2022   “Why is the corporate-controlled media acting as a propaganda arm for Pfizer and Moderna? I think that’s kind of self-evident. They’re completely captured and controlled… we’ve now got is a situation in which we can no longer count on any of the Western regulatory authorities. They are all compromised or, to put it less nicely, corrupted.”  

This is the Best Takedown of the CDC’s ‘Politicized’ COVID Response That You’ll Ever See

  Becker News | 29 June 2022   Dr. Robert Malone delivered the most sensible, credible and powerful criticism of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s ‘politicized’ response to Covid out there.       “I’m honored to be here,” Dr. Malone said. “I’m here on a voluntary basis at the request of the committee. My name is Robert Wallace Malone. I’m a physician licensed in Maryland at graduate of UC Davis, UC San Diego, University of Maryland andRead More

Andy Wakefield drops bombshell about new INFERTILITY documentary launching soon

  Health Ranger Report | 7 June 2022     Source:         Who is Dr Andy Wakefield?      Thrivetime Show | 9 December 2020     Dr Andy Wakefield shares the horrific truth about what is inside the COVID-19 vaccines and why it is simply unacceptable to go against the medical and big-pharma industry   Source:          

Global Covid Summit Pediatric Declaration

  GLOBAL COVID SUMMIT| 6 June 2022   Pediatricians and pediatric specialists issue declaration regarding COVID-19 public policy harms to children in light of upcoming FDA meeting      

Cancers Taking Off Like Wildfire & Vaccine Side Effects

  CHD.TV  | 12 May 2022   Dr Ryan Cole is an anatomic and clinical pathologist with 26 years of experience, with expertise in skin pathology, immunology, and virology.      

Dr Zev Zelenko: The [DS] Failed, The Vaccination Agenda Did Not Work, The Cures Are Out There

  X22 Report | 21 May 2022   Dr. Zelenko Board Certified Family Physician with over 20 years experience. Dr. Zelenko was nominated for the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Nobel Prize , Dr. Zelenko’s team was one of the first in the country to successfully treat thousands of Covid-19 patients in the prehospital setting. Dr. Zelenko developed his now famous “Zelenko Protocol,” which has saved countless lives worldwide. Dr. Zelenko recommended that President Trump take hydroxychloroquine. Dr. ZelenkoRead More

Global COVID Summit – Declaration IV – Restore Scientific Integrity

  The Global Covid Summit, comprising over 17,000 physicians and scientists, held a press conference on 11 May 2022 highlighting the Summit’s declaration to “Restore Scientific Integrity”. Speakers included Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Ryan Cole, Harvey Risch, MD, PhD, Dr. Lynn Fynn, Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, Dr. Richard Urso and more.         Dr       Watch a doctors roundtable with Dr Malone, Dr Cole and Dr Urso, chaired by Del Bigtree here  Read More


  The HighWire with Del Bigtree | 13 May 2022   Three of the most prolific doctors in the Global Covid Summit, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Ryan Cole, and Dr. Richard Urso joined Del for an in-depth discussion on why they aligned to form the G.C.S. and their tireless mission to spread truth and restore scientific integrity.         The Global Covid Summit, comprising over 17,000 physicians and scientists, holds a press conference highlighting the Summit’s declaration toRead More

COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?

  By Dr Russell L. Blaylock Published in Surgical Neurology International On 22 April 2022   “The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream lead by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies.[3,6,57] We have witnessed a long list of unprecedented intrusions into medical practice, including attacks on medical experts, destruction of medical careers among doctors refusing to participate in killing theirRead More

“Propaganda Exposed”


First Pictures and Videos of Snake Venom Peptides in Bioweapon Shots

  Dr Jane Ruby Show | 22 April 2022   Dr Ruby and Dr Bryan Ardis discuss pictures and videos produced by South African microscopy expert and naturopath Dr Zandra Botha. They appear to show clear evidence of snake venom proteineous organoids, or the development of synthetic substrates that are made to retain the toxic activity of snake venom, in the vaccinated blood.       Source:

Premission to Breathe Freely, Sir?

  Amazing Polly | 19 April 2022   Congrats, they dropped the mask mandates, you got the permission you waited for. What happens when they take it away? Use this time to switch sides in this war between Truth and Lies!  

Dr Pierre Kory: Snake Venom and COVID-19

  16 April 2022   ‘In some circles an insane amount of attention was paid this week to the theories of a chiropractor previously celebrated for speaking out on the fraudulent Remdesivir saga in the US. Here is my take.’       Source:

HRR interview with Dr Bryan Ardis (Part 1,2 & 3)

  Health Ranger Report | 12 April 2022 Following the groundbreaking revelation on Stew Peters show, Dr Bryan Ardis explains to Mike Adams in more detail his research into the true origins of COVID, mRNA vaccines and remdesivir, with a number of past and present articles and scientific papers all pointing to the same conclusion.   Part 1       Part 2       Part 3       FOLLOW-UP: Dr. Ardis answers the top questions about “venomRead More

Todd Callender: Genetic-altering Vaccines Could Nullify Human Rights

  TrueNews | 18 February 2022   Todd Callender is actively defending US servicemen from being forced to take the operating system jab. Here he discusses with Rich Wiles the history of the development of mRNA injections and their future in altering human DNA, ending in the nullification of human rights.  

Patriot Streetfighter w/ Venom Theory Originator Dr Tau Braun

  Patriot Streefighter | 12 April 2022  

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