Ret Col Douglas Macgregor on ending endless wars
Triggered | 15 May 2023 Source:
Triggered | 15 May 2023 Source:
Reawaken America Tour | 12 May 2023 What went wrong with the handling of COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Peter McCullough also brings to our attention the massive increase in the cases of childhood autism in the past decades and calls for Manhattan-style project to investigate the cause, including the possibility that childhood vaccines could be responsible. Furthermore, Dr. McCullough explores the susceptability of children with autism to the transgender agenda being rolled out. Source: Read More→
Health Ranger Report | 19 May 2023
Russell Brand | 12 May 2023 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. details how the NSA was in charge of Operation Warspeed’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, the history of the United States bioweapons program, and why Anthony Fauci is the highest-paid government official in history: “The weird thing about the pandemic was this constant involvement by the CIA, the intelligence agencies, and the military. When Operation Warp Speed made its presentation to the FDA committee called VRBPAC.Read More→
Hunter Biden investigation: GOP releases interim report on intelligence community’s laptop letter Congressional Republicans released an interim report Wednesday accusing intelligence officials of embarking on a “political operation to help elect Vice President Biden in the 2020” election. The 64-page report outlines information congressional Republicans have gathered about the letter signed by 51 former intelligence officials to cast doubt on the authenticity of the Hunter Biden laptop in the run-up to the 2020 election. HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP LETTER SIGNER SAYS ACTIVE CIA EMPLOYEERead More→
Mike Adams interviews Robert F Kennedy, Jr. Health Ranger Report | 9 May 2023
Amazing Polly | 28 April 2023 You think there are all these individual freedom fighters making video content on ‘alternative media’? A lot of these people are under contract – but who pulls the strings? Website: Amazing Polly Support Amazing Polly:
A 1969 lecture by G. Edward Griffin regarding the invasion of American and other western institutions by Communist subversives, detailing the mechanisms by which communism creeps into a healthy society.
SGT Report | 1 May 2023 Source:
Everything you’ve ever been told about Global Warming is probably untrue. This film blows the whistle on the biggest swindle in modern history. We are told that ‘Man Made Global Warming’ is the biggest ever threat to mankind. There is no room for scientific doubt. Well, watch this film and make up your own mind. Director: Martin Durkin Source: Sep 03 2016 – President Obama Signs U.S. Into Paris ClimateRead More→
‘Is Evil a form of mental illness?’ Polly discusses M Scott Peck‘s book ‘People of the Lie‘. Amazing Polly | originally uploaded March 2021 PEOPLE OF THE LIE Website: Amazing Polly Support Amazing Polly:
The Heritage Foundation | 25 April 2023 Tucker Carlson delivers an address and sits down for a Q&A session with Heritage president Kevin Roberts — his last public address of the sort before his departure from Fox News. Source: A message from Tucker (26 April 2023)
The Spike Protein Adaptive Immune Response, Free Light Chains and the Induction of Light Chain Amyloidosis Walter M Chestnut | 26 April 2023 Source:
Hillsdale College | 5 March 2023 This speech was given during a Hillsdale College CCA seminar on “Big Pharma.” Full speech here
New York | 24 April 2023 Speech by Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov at the UN Security Council: “Effective Multilateralism through the Protection of the Principles of the UN Charter” Source: Original video: Full transcript from
Tremregi | 21 April 2023 Ed Curtin joins me for a discussion about Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Ed has written extensively about Bobby Jr. and tonight we discussed his recent article, Healing the Great Divide, two days before Bobby Jr. announced his candidacy for president of the United States. We discussed what his candidacy might mean for the entire country. Healing the Great Divide Seeking for Truth in a Country of LiesRead More→
SGT Report | 23 April 2023 Source:
Jordan B Peterson | 17 April 2023 Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Dr. Scott Jensen walk through his accomplished professional life in family medicine, as well as his successful run as a Minnesota senator, all before having his reputation in both fields dismantled for what may be purely political reasons. Six investigations across nearly five years and numerous allegations without cohesion, proof, or relation have amounted to nothing, save for the clarification of Dr. Jensen’sRead More→
Tremregi | 14 April 2023 My commentary on this recent Tucker Carlson show on FOX News. I don’t care if he is the “controlled Opposition.” He’s at least telling the Truth to millions and millions of Americans, and his show is growing in popularity, fare outpacing MSNBC, CNN and other mainstream stenographers for the CIA and US government. Source:
James Roguski | 18 April 2023 Source: The Amendments to the IHR that were passed in 2022 are 5 pages. The 2023 amendments to the IHR are 197 pages. The IHRRC Final Report is 97 pages. The Zero Draft of the proposed Pandemic Treaty is 32 pages. The European Union Addendum to the Zero Draft is 53 pages. The Guide to the World Health Organization’s Proposed Agreements (above) is 20 pages.Read More→