Max Blumenthal : Palestinian Hostages in Israel
Judge Napolitano | 1 May 2024 Source: The Grayzone
Judge Napolitano | 1 May 2024 Source: The Grayzone
Mercola | 1 May 2024 Evidence continues to accumulate showing that vitamin D is a strong ally to combat cancer Low vitamin D levels are linked to an increased risk of cancers, while vitamin D can attach to the vitamin D receptor (VDR) in your cells, setting off a series of signals that may affect how they grow, develop and survive Although increasing vitamin D levels may help to reduce cancer deaths, health officials rarely recommendRead More→
QNewsPatriot | 30 April 2024 Anon Audio File 74 SG Anon discusses unrestricted warfare, US DHS successes in international human trafficking arrests, whistleblower documents confirming US Mil local-domestic operations, a short history reference to WWII and the 20th century, the coming attempt to jail POTUS45, and a short dive on The Vril. They never thought she would lose. WWG1WGA. (Note: I was briefly distracted and made a math goof around 29:00 into the File,Read More→
Is the Spike Protein inducing “Fast” and “Slow” SCDs? From fulminant myocarditis to sustained IL-6 elevation WMC Research | 30 April 2024 Source: Support WMC Research
Ivor Cummins | 29 April 2024 Source: Dr. Louis Fouché website
26 April 2024 ‘MP Andrew Bridgen is inviting Government Ministers and officials together with local medical professionals and media representatives from the islands of Jersey and Guernsey to participate in a discussion on the issue of Covid 19 vaccine harms and excess deaths, which he will also be debating in the House of Commons on 18 April 2024. ‘The discussion will feature a number of eminent professionals within their respective fields. Speakers:Read More→
SGT Report | 24 April 2024 Ok, so ya’ll know what’s up at this point. The criminals in the US Federal government and our BRIBED “representatives” have sold out the American people at every turn and in every possible way. And now people are starting to see demons around the world. You can expect things to get even creepier as the lost among us move further away from God and Christian values. Attorney ToddRead More→
Mercola | 29 April 2024 Mounting research suggests a serious side effect of the COVID mRNA jabs could be dementia, and the prions that cause it may be contagious Frameshifting, as we now know occurs in the COVID shots, can induce prion production and lead to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) Sid Belzberg’s website, which collected data on neurological side effects post-jab, found a notably high incidence of diagnosed CJD cases,Read More→
22 April 2024 Playing God is a profoundly moving documentary that dives into the heart-wrenching journeys of families who have lost their loved ones to end-of-life drugs. Jacqui Deevoy, co-producer and presenter of the Ickonic film A Good Death?, has teamed up with award-winning directors Naeem and Ash Mahmood and co-producer Phil Graham to create this jaw-dropping exposé on medical democide in the UK over the last 50 years. You can find outRead More→
Another wonder-supplement with Anti-Cancer, Anti-Diabetic and Neuroprotective Properties WMC Research | 26 April 2024 Source: Support WMC Research
Volodymyr Zelensky has been President of Ukraine since May 2019. He is known throughout the world for tirelessly demanding weapons for his country in order to stand up to Russia. Only with more weapons would peace in Europe be safe! What exactly is going on here? How could Zelensky rise from actor to president and be the darling of the Western media? Who does the self-proclaimed “servant of the people” really serve? Read More→
SARS-CoV-2 is a serious infection. In a parallel to FIP, an innocuous initial infection may seed a long-term fatal disease WMC Research | 24 April 2024 Source: Support WMC Research
Vernon Coleman | 24 April 2024 Source: They Want To Kill Us by Jack King Dr Vernon Coleman website
How the Spike Protein can turn one’s organs into “transplants” WMC Research | 23 April 2024 Source: Support WMC Research
Thorium explained – the future of cheap, clean energy? Source: THORIUM: World’s CHEAPEST Energy! [Science Unveiled] Source: Utah Governor candidate Phil Lyman talks with Mike Adams about Thorium, Uranium… Source:
A new review highlights how Curcumin is almost certainly one of the most important supplements of our times WMC Research | 19 April 2024 Source: Support WMC Research
Project Avalon | 16 February 2010 In January 2010, Project Camelot received 11 pages of information from an insider who was physically present at a meeting of Senior Masons in the City of London in 2005. What was discussed is chilling to the bone. What our source reports is this: * There is a planned Third World War, which will be nuclear and biological. Our source believes that this is on trackRead More→
Abstract During the COVID-19 pandemic, excess deaths including cancer have become a concern in Japan, which has a rapidly aging population. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate how age-adjusted mortality rates (AMRs) for different types of cancer in Japan changed during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2022). Official statistics from Japan were used to compare observed annual and monthly AMRs with predicted rates based on pre-pandemic (2010-2019) figures using logistic regression analysis. No significant excess mortality wasRead More→
Asha Logos | 12 April 2024 As the foundational edifice our forefathers built degrades and collapses all around us, it’s never been more important to both learn to discern the dark from the light, and to *find your tribe*.. to reject this powerless and passive victim mentality, as if we have no options or agency, and find ways to help create or support parallel structure – parallel culture (art, music, entertainment, literature, philosophy andRead More→ | 15 April 2024 Source: