A lawsuit filed abainst the Emergency Use Authorization of experimental vaccines


Attorney Thomas Renz, an Ohio-based lawyer, is suing the US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to halt the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccines to children aged 15-years-old and younger.

A lawsuit was filed by Attorney Thomas Renz and America’s Frontline Doctors against the Emergency Use Authorization of these experimental vaccines that have had no long term studies on the impact on adults, much less children.  The lawsuit also challenges the legality of “emergency use authorization” since that law states that children must be at risk, which the CDC says children are statistically at ZERO percent mortality rate by COVID-19.  The “emergency use authorization” also states that it can only go into effect if there are no other viable treatments for the virus.

Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Zinc, and Budesonide have all been proven as effective treatments by multiple doctors.

This lawsuit throws the kitchen sink at the unethical collusion and marketing campaign of this deadly vaccine through Big Media, Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Gov, all to financially benefit globalist billionaires.  Attorney Thomas Renz also goes after Dr Anthony Fauci for his numerous lies about gain-of-function, masks, and more.



TR 2 MOTION FOR TRO-For filing


TR 1 Ex K Conflicts




SGT Report | 30 July 2021

Attorney Tom Renz is a champion for truth who is standing up for all of us. They have murdered thousands of people, quite possibly more than 45,000 according to a government whistleblower – and Tom along with America’s Frontline Doctors is suing to uncover the truth about this horrific crime.





Health Ranger Report | 29 July 2021

Tidal wave of lawsuits coming against dangerous vaccine mandates – Thomas Renz interviewed by Mike Adams






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